What inspired me to write this poem was the cold weather and how I wished it was spring again. Although it’s not that cold, I still wish for warmth and comfort. It reminded me of the good times I spent outside during spring break and the summer this year, the second it got slightly warm after the freezing winter, I was outside trying to do anything and everything. I developed this idea pretty easily, it was one of the first things that popped into my head when writing this poem. One of my main challenges was more so a restriction I had created myself, I had not understood the instructions for the assignment and with little experience with poems had assumed that all poems had to be serious. I now know that is not the case. When reading my work, I want the readers to see the connection of nature the most while reading and feel how little or how much they truly pay attention to the world around them, realizing when was the last time they took time to unwind and appreciate the mundane.
If You Need Me
If you need me, follow the long lush grass,
To the boulder speckled with evergrowing moss
telling stories of new to the Blue jays and mourning doves.
Hear my whispers of warmth sending you clues.
Feel the beat of spring against the river rocks
While you cleanse your apricot-stained hands against the cold blue.
Let the salmon guide you upstream.
Walk up the rocky hills, then back down, then back up
While the sun peppers kisses and I love you’s on your skin
Follow the honey bees and monarchs, for they know where home is.
Find the overarching Willow of old and lay
Lay amongst the dew and curious ladybugs
Look upon my stars and rest
You have found what you seek